Professional services in Exercise Physiology, Sport & Health Science and Applied Health Technology
Private Health
The facts are clear that a well-motivated and supported team are the most productive and our health check services ensure everyone is working safely, efficiently and in good spirit too.
From the shop floor to the board room, inspiring a fluid and motivational workplace is the outcome our clients experience.
To provide high performance corporate athletes with an integrated health and wellness experience.
All assessment services provided under GPTQA accreditation for confidence
Changing the focus is creating positive change in PE and the holistic view of physical literacy in schools.
Overloading our children through PE classes, extra-curricular sport and additional community sport through a week is a dangerous mixture.
Teachers are the front line to promote and encourage active living and healthy lives to we ensure they are prepared and tooled up with the right resources to provide the very best care and development to their students.
Children replicate what they see and adapt to an environment quickly and socially so MIND support the entire school with staff well-being programs aligned directly to the student programs too.
Our team have two-decades of experience in professional fitness and functional testing for athletes across multiple codes.
Using an array of technologies applied by trained and accredited Applied Sport Scientists, we offer unbiased assessment services supported by intervention expertise.
Comprehensive event management of trials or draft combines including the provision of professional test staff, technologies and athlete management solutions.
Coaches are the front line to promote and encourage active living and healthy lives so we ensure they are prepared and tooled up with the right resources to provide the very best care and development to their athletes.
WhatsApp +61 493 851 160
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